Here are the two panels together. I look forward to painting these on some board. just need to buy some more acrylic paint :)
Friday, 22 August 2014
Cat doodle part 2
Here are the two panels together. I look forward to painting these on some board. just need to buy some more acrylic paint :)
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Kitty cat doodle
I have two spare strips of wood left over from building a cubboard, so thought I would use them to paint on. Here is a cat design idea that I want to paint on one of the strips of wood for my mother as she loves cats. The other strip of wood will be of another cat as well.
Monday, 11 August 2014
The yearly shower
Always wanted to draw a troll. So here is my one having his yearly shower with his jelly cap and not looking too happy as even just one shower a year is too much.
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