Saturday 24 May 2014

Google maps virtual plein air painting - Old N1 Rd, South Africa

Here is my second attempt at some virtual plein air painting. I kept it to an hour and a half as before. This is a view from the old N1 road in South Africa near Paarl. And as promised as before here it the google maps link -,19.244624,3a,37.5y,294.28h,100.01t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1svESojmDqJkPChQweGULgDw!2e0

Friday 23 May 2014

Virtual Plein air painting based from Google Maps

I noticed some people doing virtual "plein air paintings" the other day and so today I thought I'd give it a go. Here is a plein air painting of a random house on Murchinson Rd in New Zealand. I stupidly did not think to save the link to the exact location on Google maps but anyone is welcome to help me find it again :) I'll remember for next time. My aim was to paint it within 2 hours and I managed to do this one in an 1hr and a half. It was good fun. definitely will do more :)

Thursday 22 May 2014

Friday 16 May 2014

Has technology stolen our imaginations?

Something that just started out as a doodle and ended like this. Not really sure where I was going with it, it was just a good way to pass the time.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Portrait study - Parina

Thought I would do a portrait painting of one of my friends using reference from various photos. Here is Parina Mehta :) I think I will do a few more portraits of some of  my friends over the next few days. It is a good challenge to try and get a likeness to the person you are wanting to depict.